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المواضيع الأخيرة

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 تدريبات على سؤال الترجمة ( Translation )مجابة وغير مجابة بواسطة أساتذة متميزين

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
امينة حماد
امينة حماد

الجنسية : مصري
رقم العضوية : 4000

الجنس : انثى عدد المساهمات : 2616
نقاط : 6312
تاريخ الميلاد : 21/01/1960
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/08/2010
العمر : 64
الموقع : المشرف العام

أوسمه (أمينة حماد هنا)
الوسام التعليمي للمتميزين فقط

تدريبات على سؤال الترجمة ( Translation )مجابة وغير مجابة بواسطة أساتذة متميزين  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تدريبات على سؤال الترجمة ( Translation )مجابة وغير مجابة بواسطة أساتذة متميزين    تدريبات على سؤال الترجمة ( Translation )مجابة وغير مجابة بواسطة أساتذة متميزين  Empty2010-12-08, 15:03

عزيزي الزائربعد انتهاء تحميل الصفحة سيظهر

صورة من الملف + رابط تحميل مباشر

Translate into Arabic:
1-Dr.Zahi Hawass is keen on bringing ancient things back to Egypt.
يحرص د.زاهى حواس على جلب الآثار القديمة لمصر
2-Hardworking students are very popular with their teachers.
الطلاب المجتهدين يحبهم مدرسوهم
3-Remote sensing helps us to provide water supplies needed to reclaim vast desert areas.
يساعدنا الأستشعار عن بعد فى توفير المياة الازمة لأستصلاح أراضى صحراوية كبيرة
4-The moral of the story is that bad people should be punished.
العبرة من هذه القصة أنه يجب عقاب شرار الناس
5-Society should provide parentless children with better education and health care.
يجب على المجتمع أن يوفر لليتامى تعليم ورعاية صحية أفضل
6-We have to be grateful to scientists for the  things they have done for us.
يجب أن نعترف بجميل العلماء لما قدموه لنا من أعمال
7-Some people have a strong photographic memory; they can remember exactly what they have seen.
لبعض الناس ذاكرة تصويرية قوية فهم يتذكرون بالتحديد كل ما يرونه
8-The brain stores past memories that help us make use in the present.
يخزن المخ ذكريات ماضية تساعدنا فى الأستفادة منها فى الوقت الحاضر
9-True friendship doesn't know private interests.
الصداقة الحقيقية لا تعرف الأهتمامات الخاصة
10-Egypt always shows its pride and interest for their national heroes.
دائما ما تفخر مصر بأبطالها الوطنيي

Translate into English:
2-هل سبق لك أن زرت لندن أو باريس؟
Have you ever visited Paris?
1-يعانى الناس فى المدن الكبيرة من تلوث الماء والهواء.
People in the biggest cities suffer from air and water pollution.
3-كتب نجيب محفوظ رواياته عن الحياة المصرية فى القرن العشرين.
Naguib Mahfouz wrote his novels about the Egyptian life in the 20th century.
4-يمتلك الأنسان خمس حواس هى البصر والسمع واللمس والشم والتذوق
Man has five senses; they are sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
5-يزن مخ الأنسان كيلو جراما تقريبا
The human brain weighs approximately 1 kg.
6-لا يستطيع الأنسان ان يعيش بدون أصدقاء
Man can not live without friends.
7-التصميم والولاء لبلده والأعتزاز بالوطن جعلت من ابو هيف رجلا عظيما
Determination ,loyalty and pride in his country made Abo-Heif a great man.
8-القائد الناجح  يجب ان يكون ذكيا وحاسما وواسع الأفق ومتفهم الأمور
A successful leader should be intelligent ,strict, broad-minded and understand things.
9-نادى القرن هو لقب النادى الأهلى المصرى
Al-Ahly is nicknamed " The club of the century."
10-فاز أبو هيف بجائزة افضل سباح فى القرن العشرين
Abo-Heif won the best swimmer prize in the 20th century.

Important Translations
Dr. Mohammed EI-Baradai was awarded the Nobel Prize Owing to his efforts for world peace.
لقد منح الدكتور محمد البرادعى جائزة نوبل نظرا لجهوده من أجل السلام العالمى
It has been proved that the sank of the Egyptian Ferry is the result of negligence and indifference.
لقد تبين أن غرق العبارة المصرية ناتج عن الاهمال وعدم المبالاة
* The terrorist attacks that happened in Dahab affect the tourist .. industry in Egypt greatly.   ,
ان ماحدث فى دهب من عمليات ارهابية يضر بصناعة السياحة فى مصر كثيرا
» The Egyptian National Football team has achieved a historic victory winning the African Cup of Nation for the fifth time.
حقق المنتخب المصرى لكرة القدم نصرا تاريخيا بفوزه للمرة الخامسة بكأس امم افريقيا
Egypt has taken a wide step towards achieving economic and democratic reformation.
لقد اتخذت مصر خطوات واسعة نحو تحقيق الاصلاح الاقتصادى والديمقراطى
* Birds' flu infection results from direct contact with infected poultry.
تنشأ الاصابة  بانفلونزا الطيور من الاتصال المباشر مع الدواجن المصابة    
• Any nation depends on its youth in carrying out its agricultural and industrial projects.
تعتمد اى امة على شبابها فى تنفيذ المشروعات الصناعية والزراعية
•  There  is  no  doubt that pollution  has its  bad  effects on environment whether man, animal or plant.
مما لاشك فيه أن للتلوث اثار خطيرة على البيئة سواء كان ذلك للانسان او الحيوان او النبات
The establishment of many libraries for children is an important step towards enriching the children's culture.
يعد انشاء مكتبات الاطفال خطوة هامة نحو اثراء ثقافة الطفل
Freedom is to live in peace and let others live in peace too.
الحرية هى ان نعيش فى سلام وندع الاخرين يعيشون فى سلام
* The computer is used in all educational, social, economical, and agricultural fields.
يستخدم الكمبيوتر فى كافة المجالات التعليمية والاجتماعية والزراعية
My friend thanked me for the present I sent him on his birthday.
لقد شكرنى صديقي على هديتي التى ارسلتها له فى عيد ميلاده
Tourism is considered one of the most important earners for the national income, so we must attract tourists to visit Egypt.
تعتبر السياحة مصدرا من مصادر الدخل القومي ولذا علينا ان نجذب السياح الى مصر
* Schools are greatly interested in schools activities.
تهتم المدارس اهتماما كبيرا بالانشطة المدرسية
* We should give due care to children.
يجب انم نهتم بالاطفال اهتماما كبيرا
* Tourism and Marketing festival is held every year in Egypt.
يقام مهرجان السياحة والتسوق فى مصر كل عام
# The state celebrates Labours Day on 1st May.
تحتفل الدولة بعيد العمال كل عام فى مايو
* School libraries provide students with a lot of general information.
تزود المكتبات المدرسية الطلاب بالكثير من المعلومات العامة

# Success in life depends on patience and hard work.
يعتمد النجاح فى الحياة على الصبر والعمل الجاد
# Modern technology has a vital role in our life.
ان التكنولوجيا الحديثة لها دور حيوى فى حياتنا
# Remote sensing refers to the radar from satellites that can penetrate through land to record the presence of areas of water, oil and minerals.
يستخدم الفضاء لاجراء ابحاث علمية تعود بفائدة على الانسان
* Your brain is considered the most important organ in your body. It receives information from your senses. It analyses them with amazing speed and sends messages to all parts of your body to control it.
لايستطيع احد ان ينكر ان العقل البشرى اعظم من الحاسبات الالية
Pollution is a very serious problem that affects our life badly. The government and individuals should co-operate to put an end to this problem.
يجب علينا الا نلوث مياه النيل وان نحافظ على البيئة
Every country must try to avoid polluting the environment where they live as pollution causes most of the diseases that man catches.
حافظ على مدينتك نظيفة ولا تلقي بالقمامة فى الشوارع
Thanks to modern inventions, man lives comfortably. Television, for example, helps us to enjoy watching films, plays and matches. A washing machine helps housewives do their washing very fast.
لو لم استيقظ مبكرا لما لحقت بالقطار
* Today our life is much more comfortable than it used to be. The cause of this is modern inventions that save man's time and effort.
لو كنت مكانك لتصرفت بشكل اكثر حكمة
«   You must never eat food that smells bad It may be poisonous Do not eat tinned food if the tin looks swollen or if it explodes when you open it. The food will be bad.
نعيش الان عصر الكمبيوتر والانترنت والعولمة بمزاياها وعيوبها
Our deserts are one of our chief sources of wealth, if we give them due care, we increase our national income and solve
many of our problems.
يجب ان نحافظ على نظافة مدننا لان النظافة مظهر حضارى
Cleanliness is tremendously important in the prevention of many kinds of infections. Hygiene and sanitation are both important. It is always said that prevention is better than cure.
بعد ان قرا الاعلان تقدم بطلب للوظيفة
» All members of a family can participate in making home clean, healthy and attractive. In this way we can lead a happy and comfortable life. We should also take some exercises to keep fit.
يجب ان نطيع ونحترم والدينا والمعلمين لانهم يعلمونا الكثير عن الحياة
* Health is better than wealth and prevention is better than cure.
* Smoking is very harmful to our health. Doctors have proved that it is the main cause of serious diseases like cancer and lung diseases.
يتمنى كل انسان ان يحظى بحب واحترام الاخرين
* From the health point of view, we live in a marvelous age. A long number of fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.
التعليم هو الطريق الوحيد الذى يؤدي الى التقدم وحية افضل
* Schoois are  not built for teaching only.  They have many other purposes. One of which is providing the society with good citizens.
نأمل فى وضع حد للبطالة والامية والفقر
# The ancient Egyptian monuments arouse the admiration of all who visit them. They are marvels that show the greatness of our ancestors.
كثيرا من السياح يفضلون زيارة مصر فى الشتاء
# Mrs. Suzan Mubarak has led a campaign to set up different projects for the benefit of the Egyptian child. A lot of businessmen have responded to this call and offered to lessen the burden on the government shoulders.
تلعب الرياضة دورا هاما فى بناء الشخصية
The sight of the sun at the sunset is of matchless beauty. It is one of the miracles of Allah and his creation. We have to worship him for his endless blessings.
تنشئ الحكومة مشروعات عملاقة لتوفير فرص عمل للشباب ولزيادة الدخل القومي
We always respect people with good qualities, if they are honest, kind, tolerant, co-operative and hard working.
تلعب المكتبات المدرسية دورا هاما فى نشر الثقافة بين الطلاب
Books are human knowledge treasure, which provide the reader with information that helps him to evaluate his matters. So, we should urge our coming generations to read.
مقاومة الارهاب واجب قومي وديني
It is important to get everything right on your first day in a new job. Make sure that you get to work on time. Do not be in a hurry to leave the minute the working day is over.
يبذل رئيس الجمهورية جهودا عظيمة لتحقيق السلام فى الشرق الاوسط
The state has given great interest in education to face the future and
to raise the standard of living. The Book Fair has become a centre for culture, literature, education and science.
تسعى الحكومة للقضاء على مشكلة البطالة وذلك بتوفير فرص عمل للشباب

اسئلة يجيب عنها الطالب

1- The Egyptian monuments and museums attract millions of tourists from all over the world. We ought to exert more efforts to increase the number of tourists visiting Egypt nowadays.
2- Tourism is one of the most important sources of national income in several  many countries.
3- Do you think that there is a contradiction between globalization and national identity ?
4- All of Muslims and Christians are united in loving our dear country Egypt and work for her prosperity / welfare.
5- It’s very useful to have a goal in your life. You have to know your goal before achieving it.
6- Professor Zewail being awarded The Nobel Prize in chemistry is the pride of all Egyptians and Arabs.
7- The Arab scientists had great effect on the western culture.
8- The government gives great interest to the woman and provides education, jobs and medical and social welfare to them.
9- The government carries out a lot of industrial and agricultural projects in Upper Egypt to provide better jobs to citizens there.
10- Our heritage is very valuable so we should preserve the environment around us.
11- Egypt has achieved great in industrial, educational and modern technology fields.
12- Consumers buy foods that genetic engineering doesn’t interfere because they think that they are more healthy.
13- There is remarkable progress in open-heart surgery in Egypt.
14- Traveling abroad has become easier than in the past with the favour of the remarkable progress in transport.
15- Getting out of the narrow valley and reclaiming the desert are the only hope in better life to next generations.
16- The Alexandria lighthouse was one of the world seven wonders but earthquakes destroyed it.
17- Many people say that they are too busy to go swimming or to play football. But they don't have to do special exercise to be fit. In this case, walking or even cleaning the house is just as good for them as practicing games.
18- Birth control and increasing production are the only way to overcome our recent economic problems.
19- Illiteracy is considered a serious social illness that we have to abolish.
20- Developing education has become one of the most important goals (aims) that Egypt tries to achieve.
21- Sinai , is the land of discovery. It is the route to the Promised Land; where it is thought Osiris and the Pharaohs found gold. It was also where Moses witnessed the Burning Bush and the Bedouins camped near Crusader forts. Sinai is a meeting point of the three great religions at the crossroads of Africa and Asia.
22- Our goal is to reclaim the desert and build new cities and to change the  Egyptian village into an active cell.
23- Sports and games strengthen our bodies and refresh our minds and teach us co-operation, patience and the love of one’s country.

24- The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly (annually) to who have done the most
significant work in chemistry, physics, medicine and literature and to who have contributed to the cause of peace.

25- Egypt has always been the first country in the Nile basin to seek taming the longest river in the world in order to achieve the utmost benefit for the sake of the Egyptians. As a result, Egypt had a futuristic view towards making use of any waste of water.
26- The Ministry of culture cares about child libraries to develop the abilities of the Egyptian children to create in all fields.
27- Egypt possesses 70% of the world monuments, so the state plans well in the field of tourism to attract the biggest number of world tourists to increase our national income.
28- Reading broadens minds while sitting on your chair; you can visit all the countries all over the world gaining their different culture.
29- Learners of foreign languages need dictionaries that contain words used in the language they want to learn.
30- The Egyptian satellite (Nile Sat) helps to transmit T.V programmes to the Arab World and parts of Europe.
31- People nowadays need to understand that learning must be lifelong. This is necessary because the world of work is changing very fast. To remain employable, people must always look ahead and learn new knowledge and skills.
32- Health is a splendid blessing that completes our happiness. It's worthy saying that we can't really enjoy our life if we are unhealthy. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard work. For an unhealthy person life is no more pain and suffering.
33- About a third of the Earth's resources has been used in the past 25 years. Our hunger for land, wood and water is growing. This means that the future of life itself is in danger.
34- Education for all. All three means both men and women, the old and the young, the rich and the poor and the educated and the uneducated in both rural and urban communities. Everyone needs education suitable for the age, its changes and its requirements so that they may contribute to education and benefit from it throughout their lives.
35- The Arab people in Egypt were always at the forefront of world powers believing in peace both as an aim to be sought and as a path to be taken. The Egyptian people never for a moment hesitated to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a just and comprehensive peace.
36- The secret marriage has become a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the structure of the Egyptian society.
37- We should give interest to the teacher that is considered the foundation stone of any social change. More attention should be given to his financial status.
38- The computer is considered one of the greatest creations of man’s mind. Its influence has extended to every branch of human knowledge.
39- The problem of food shortage threatens today’s world especially in the third world so efforts should be done to solve this problem.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
تدريبات على سؤال الترجمة ( Translation )مجابة وغير مجابة بواسطة أساتذة متميزين
استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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